
Physics Workshop

            Physics contributes to the technological infrastructure and provides trained personnel needed to take advantage of scientific advances and discoveries. Electronics is a branch of Physics that deals with the study of controlling the flow of electrons in a material. It also deals with circuits made up of components that control the flow of electricity.

            Individual Projects are made mandatory for the students of III B.Sc. Physics. Majority of the students opt for Electronics Projects, where they prepare Printing Circuit Boards (PCB) for their selected circuits. Keeping in view of this, the Department of Physics established a Workshop in 2001. The Workshop consists of major equipments like Welding Machine, Hack Saw Machine with Frame, Jig Saw, Compressor, Hand Greese Pump, Bench Grinder, Spray Gun and various types of Plier, Hammer, File, Pipe Wrench, Screw Driver, Wire Stripper, Marble Cutter, Spanner, Driller, Drill bit and Pipe Vise-Cutter.

            After preparing the PCB in the Physics Laboratory, students use this Workshop for drilling holes of different sizes as per the requirement of the components used, soldering, cutting and etching. This Workshop is of great use, as the students have these facilities in the College Campus for the completion of their projects.